dimarts, 13 de novembre del 2018


Programme (07.12.18 – 14.12.18)

FKG Göttingen – Collegi Jesús, María i Josep Sant Andreu Manyanet Barcelona

“Göttingen- Searching for the Brothers Grimm/ Buscando a los Hermanos Grimm/ 
Auf den Spuren der Brüder Grimm”

Friday, 07 December, 2018

Arrival in Göttingen 
Pick up at train station by host families and evening with host families

Saturday/ Sunday, 08 - 09 December 2018

with host families

Monday, 10 December 2018

Morning: School: Bienvenidos! We proudly present… FKG! 
(7:50 – 9:20: getting to know the school => guided tour and welcome activity in a Spanish class)
9:30: Welcome at FKG! “meet and greet” our headmaster
10.00-11.30: Guided city tour of Göttingen (in English) for Spanish students
11.30 – 12.30: time for browsing around the Christmas market and shops
13.05: meeting German partners in the entrance hall at FKG, lunch break with German partners
13.50-15.30: working on the project “Searching for the Brothers Grimm” (I)
Evening: with host families

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Morning (07:50-09:20): School (Spanish students will be divided into groups and attend English/ Spanish classes of different years)
09.40-11.00: theatre workshop on fairy tales (catalan exchange students only)
11.30 – 13.00:             Movie or Museum (Catalan students)
13.05-13.50: lunch break with German partners
13.50-15.30: working on the project “Searching for the Brothers Grimm”
Evening: with host families

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

07.30: meeting at the bus parking lot/ Eiswiese
07.45: trip to Bad Hersfeld
~ 09.30: arrival at “Erlebnismuseum Wort.reich
10.00- 12.30: creative workshops on fairy-tales (theatre / film)
12.30-13.00: picknick (lunch)
13.00 – 13.45: browsing around the museum
13.45 – 14.45: discovering Bad Hersfeld                             
~16.30: arrival in Göttingen

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Morning (07:50-09:20): School (Spanish students will attend different English/ Spanish classes)
09.40-11.10: baking fairy-tale- cookies
11.30-13.00: creating (fairy-tale) Christmas decoration
13.05: lunch break with German partners
13.50- ? (if necessary): final rehearsals for the evening performances

18.30 Farewell Evening in our cafeteria at FKG

Friday, 14 December 2018

Morning: School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
walk/ drive to the train station and farewell

                                                        The programme might be subject to minor changes.

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