Promised and done! Last day of our wonderful experience already on the blog. Lots of memories, good moments, laughs and tears... everything happened yesterday.
Early in the morning, luggage at school and the last classes... then, all together, walking to the station... and here you have the images, no words necessary at all!
And again, from Göttingen to Frankfurt Airport
and landing in Barcelona
(by the way, if you have pictures of our arrival, send them, sure our German friends will love to see them too)
And while in the train, some of our students wrote about their experience these days, here you have them!
" This week has been fantastic! All people have enjoyed a lot - German pizza is delicious as well - Our German families were really welcoming and... girls were very pretty! See you in Barcelona! We'll miss you!" POL V. and POL P.
" These days were beautiful! We have enjoyed a lot!! And we also learn a lot of English! Our German partners taught us some words in German too! We want to repeat this wonderful adventure! We are waiting for us, FKG! See you in Barcelona!" FERRAN and MARC
"This week was really special. We have had so much fun and we enjoy a lot. We miss our friends and now we are crying on the train. But we'll meet then in Barcelona! MARIA
" Saying goodbye is not so easy, and when you have to say goodbye to a SPECIAL PERSON it's even more difficult. I want to see all the German people again. Today is a sad day, a lot of people were crying and the goodbye was so sad.
But there is a good part, we are going to Barcelona and we'll see our parents and friends tomorrow at school.
I'm going to miss a lot of people: TIM, Anna, Anna, Lea, Jonna, Katha, Clara, Janina, Leandra, Alke, Henry, Cameron, Steffen, Jonathan and Julius... See you in Barcelona!" LAURA
"Avui ha sigut un dia complicat, dir adéu no ha estat fàcil. Molts de nosaltres hem plorat, també els nostres partners alemanys. Hem rebut regals de les famílies i alguns han demanat si us plau que els obrissin en tren.. allà també hem seguit plorant per una castanya o per un gorro de llana fet per una germana. Els trobarem a faltar molt.
I ara.. cap a Barcelona. En sis mesos ens veiem. Göttingen 13!
And ... that's it! Back in Barcelona with lots and lots of good memories!
If you want to send some more pictures for the blog, do it! If you want to write something else for it, feel free!
All German partners are invited to write on it as well!
And... of course, not an ending .. but a SEE YOU VERY SOON!
We'll be back in March!! Time flies! So... thank you for the good time in Göttingen and... SEE YOU IN BARCELONA!