dilluns, 6 d’octubre del 2014

DAY 7. DLR School Lab

Bon dia de nou a tots.
Avui els nostres alumnes han estat a classe la primera hora. Després, amb els partners, hem visitat el DLR School Lab. Allà ens han dividit en dos grups per poder seguir la visita millor.
Us deixem els posts de dos alumnes i algunes fotos!

Today we have visited the DLR School Lab. First of all, we have listened to some explanations about air planes. Then, we have gone into a plane and sat in the pilot's place.
Finally, we did a workshop about building a plane with foam.
When we have finished the plane, we've made them fly!!

Dani Jordà and Pere Jiménez



 Today we have visited the DLR School Lab. We've built some nice airplanes with foam and we did a flying competition with them.
We've also visited two wind tunnels, a small one and a big one.

Arnau Moreno

I finalment us deixem unes fotos dels tallers d'avions que han estat fent!

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