dijous, 12 de novembre del 2015



Us adjuntem el programa de les nostres activitats a Göttingen. 
Segur que ens ho passarem genial!

FKG, Göttingen – Manyanet Sant Andreu, Barcelona
“Göttingen - City of science and scientists,
 Ciuadad de la ciencia y de los científicos,
Ciutat de la ciència i dels científics, 
Stadt der Wissenschaft/ler”

Friday, 11 December 2015
13:20: Departure from Barcelona
Approx. 19.30: arrival in Göttingen (ICE), pick up at train station by host families
Evening with host families

Saturday/ Sunday, 12-13 December 2015
Morning (10:00): first ‘meet and greet’ in the city centre of Göttingen/ Christmas Market. Host students show their guests around (depending on the time we have [1] students and their exchange partners can participate in a Rally around the city centre that will be provided by us).
Remaining time of the day and Sunday in host families

Monday, 14 December 2015
Morning: School (7:50 – 9:20: Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
9:30: Welcome at FKG (meet and greet our headmaster )  and guided school tour (for Spanish students, the German students will attend classes)
10:00- 11:00: Getting to know the school surroundings
13:50- 15:20: Project time (students work with their exchange partners and do some research on Göttingen’s famous scientists – and prepare a role play/ scenes)
16:00-17:00: Strolling along the Christmas Market
Evening: with host families

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Morning: School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
09:30- 12:30: DLR School Lab (science lab for students; topic: airplanes)
Afternoon: 13:50-15:20: continuing work on the project presentation
Evening: with host families

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Morning (07:50-09:20): School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
Time in between: Spanish students will be shown other places of Göttingen by their teachers
Afternoon: 13:50-15:20: Dress rehearsal for the project presentation
Evening: with host families

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Morning until afternoon: Excursion to the PHAENO inWolfsburg (Science Centre)
7.50: Meeting at Parking Lot “Eiswiese”
16.00: Pick up at Parking Lot “Eiswiese”
Evening (18.30): farewell party and presentation of group results in our school canteen

Friday, 18 December 2015
Morning: School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
10.00 aprox.  Walk/ Drive to the train station
10:50: Departure at train station in Göttingen

17.10: Arrival in Barcelona

The programme might be subject to minor changes


[1] in case families have planned individual trips with their host students at the weekend

dijous, 5 de novembre del 2015





Aquí estem un altre cop, això ja està en marxa!!!

Avui us volem comunicar que el dimarts 17 de novembre, a les 17.30h, hem convocat una reunió informativa de l'intercanvi amb l'escola Felix Klein Gymnasium de Göttingen.   Allà us informarem de tot!!!!

De moment, recordeu d'anar preparant la documentació que ja us vam comentar: tenir al dia el DNI, el PASSAPORT i demanar el PERMÍS PATERN. També podeu demanar ja la TARGETA SANITÀRIA EUROPEA, es fa per internet i arriba a casa en una setmana! Com heu vist us hem deixat els LINKS corresponents!

Ens veiem el dia 17, fins aleshores, pel que calgui ja teniu els nostres correus!

Mònica i Lurdes