dijous, 12 de novembre del 2015



Us adjuntem el programa de les nostres activitats a Göttingen. 
Segur que ens ho passarem genial!

FKG, Göttingen – Manyanet Sant Andreu, Barcelona
“Göttingen - City of science and scientists,
 Ciuadad de la ciencia y de los científicos,
Ciutat de la ciència i dels científics, 
Stadt der Wissenschaft/ler”

Friday, 11 December 2015
13:20: Departure from Barcelona
Approx. 19.30: arrival in Göttingen (ICE), pick up at train station by host families
Evening with host families

Saturday/ Sunday, 12-13 December 2015
Morning (10:00): first ‘meet and greet’ in the city centre of Göttingen/ Christmas Market. Host students show their guests around (depending on the time we have [1] students and their exchange partners can participate in a Rally around the city centre that will be provided by us).
Remaining time of the day and Sunday in host families

Monday, 14 December 2015
Morning: School (7:50 – 9:20: Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
9:30: Welcome at FKG (meet and greet our headmaster )  and guided school tour (for Spanish students, the German students will attend classes)
10:00- 11:00: Getting to know the school surroundings
13:50- 15:20: Project time (students work with their exchange partners and do some research on Göttingen’s famous scientists – and prepare a role play/ scenes)
16:00-17:00: Strolling along the Christmas Market
Evening: with host families

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Morning: School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
09:30- 12:30: DLR School Lab (science lab for students; topic: airplanes)
Afternoon: 13:50-15:20: continuing work on the project presentation
Evening: with host families

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Morning (07:50-09:20): School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
Time in between: Spanish students will be shown other places of Göttingen by their teachers
Afternoon: 13:50-15:20: Dress rehearsal for the project presentation
Evening: with host families

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Morning until afternoon: Excursion to the PHAENO inWolfsburg (Science Centre)
7.50: Meeting at Parking Lot “Eiswiese”
16.00: Pick up at Parking Lot “Eiswiese”
Evening (18.30): farewell party and presentation of group results in our school canteen

Friday, 18 December 2015
Morning: School (Spanish students will attend classes with their exchange partners)
10.00 aprox.  Walk/ Drive to the train station
10:50: Departure at train station in Göttingen

17.10: Arrival in Barcelona

The programme might be subject to minor changes


[1] in case families have planned individual trips with their host students at the weekend

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