A day in a workshop in Wortreich.
Today we have got up earlier than the other days because we went to a workshop of theater and stop motion.
Me and my partner went to a theater group. There we had to make 3 groups of 6 people and our group made the play of "Des Kaisers neuer Kleider" that means "the Emperor's new clothes". It was so funny and so nice. They had lots of good dresses and costume. Today has been a nice day and we had a nice time there.
María del Carmen González
We visited a museum in Bad Hersfeld. There were two activities: the first one was to represent a play and the other one was to make a stop motion. I made the second activity with my partner Julius. The activity consisted of making a history and taking photos of all the movements that the people, animals, things do. Julius and me made a stop motion about the doodle jump because I thought it was a nice idea.
Olga San Isidoro
One day in Wort Reich.
Today all the Spanish and German students went to the Wortreich museum to do a project of theater and stop motion with our partners.
I did stop motion with my partner. I liked it so much and I was surprised with all the things that we could do with one object and a camera. I liked it so much, it was so funny and amazing.
Esteban del campo
Today we did a stop motion with my partner called Yuriana.
Our story was about a mother duck that had a son but the son was very naughty and went to walk across a bridge and he fell into a lake. It couldn't swimm and then a crocodile came and ate the duck, the mother was very sad.😢😢
We had a great time and we had a lot of fun while we were doing the stop motion. We believe that this has been a very original idea and I liked having this good time with Yuriana 😊😊
Iria Calahorro
Today we made a stop motion film with our partners. First a girl explained us what we would do and how. Later we planned what story we would created, the characters, ... Then we started creating our stop motion. We could do it with paper, play-doo, toys, ....
After 30 minutes the girl explained us how to film it with the i-pad. Than we finished the stop motion and we watched the films. I liked a lot the experience.
Amàlia Alòs
Today we went to Wortreich Museum in Bad Hersfeld. That museum is about the German language and for me it is very beautiful and I liked it a lot.
When we arrived, we were separated in two groups: one of them was going to do a movie with stop motion and the other was going to do a theater play.
I got into the second group. There we all gathered together and they explained to us what we were going to do. We were divided in three groups and each group had to represent a fairy tale but a little bit changed. But the condition was that the play had to have the same moral as the fairy tale .
My group representd Rapunzel, but we changed it a little bit and we did like a mafia version. Finally we represented it in front of the group and they filmed us (it was so ambarassing). Then we talked about all the morals that we have learnt. I enjoyed a lot this experience and I hope to repeat it again some time in my life.
Helena Reboll
Today we came to Bad Hersfeld and we did 2 activities: one of theater and another of stop motion. I did the theater activity and I liked it because it was funny and we wore costume.
Ingrid Fernández