divendres, 27 de setembre del 2013

Day 4: Classes, project, Kiesee rally and picnic!

Today we've had two free lessons and then sports. It was very fine!
We played football, basketball and handball at the same time.
The last lessons were Geography. It wasn't really interesting. We watched a movie about the Aral Sea.

Katha and Anna Xiu

Today we should have had Spanish lessons first, but the teacher wasn't there because she was sick, so we went out with a substitute teacher. We went to the playground. The boys played football while the girls took photos and played another game.
Then my partner went to the exam room to write a maths exam while I had a hot chocolate in the cafetería with some mates and Lurdes. There we saw a man who reminded us to our class teacher Ignasi. We send greetings to him!
Later, we went downstairs, in the canteen, for lunch. And then we finished the Project and some couples practised it in front of the others.
Now we go to the Kiesee for the rally and the picnic.

Leandra and Cristina

And in the afternoon we've been to the Kiesee. There they've played a rally where they had to do different things, such as collecting objects related to autumn, writing some vocabulary in both German and Spanish, asking people about some ítems... they've enjoyed a lot!
And then, a picnic! It's been a lovely and sunny Friday so we have really had a good time!

By the way, at the rally they were asked to take a picture of themselves in a funny way. As soon as I receive them I'll upload them for you! Here you have the first one!

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