diumenge, 13 de desembre del 2015


Bon dia,

ens llevem amb dos correus més, un del Hugo i un de la Judith, que ens expliquen el seu diumenge!!

L'Hugo ens diu:

In Berlin waren wir im Reichstag

Wir haben das Brandenburger Tor gesehen

No podem obrir les fotos que ens envia... si ho aconseguim us les posem aquí!

La Judith ens diu: 

The second day is surpassed! The family Appelt ended the weekend with a day in the "Autostadt", in the city of Wolfsburg. The "Autostadt" is a place that we can visit the biggest factory of cars in Europe. Inside of this place there are some imformation of the the cars, how affects in the society, in the enviroment and in the economy. I saw them and it's very interessant.

 In the same place we can do some activities like skating on the big icerink or jump with a sledge in a snow mountain. 

In the morning, Leonie (my german partner) show me all of the information of the factory. Then, for lunch I ate the tipical sausage in Germany, a "Wurst". 

In the afternoon  I went to skating with Leonie. After that, for dinner (at 18:00) I had dinner in a restaurant that I made my own pizza. We had a nice day!!

I ara si que acabem el cap de setmana i comencem una setmana a l'escola, avui coneixarem les classes i començarem el projecte.

Un anirem informant.

Bon dia a tots des de Göttingen!! 

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